Star Frontiers Wiki
Weapons battery

Cut-away view of a starship energy weapon emplacement

Ship-mounted energy weapons are directed-energy weapons mounted on spaceships. They include the following:

Laser Weapons

Mini-lasers: This is an array of small nose-mounted lasers, that are fixed facing forward. They are usually mounted on fighters and assault scouts.[1]

Laser Pod: This is a small, unshielded laser turret. They are usually mounted on small ships, as anti-fighter weapons. Pirates often use them, as they can be concealed behind removable panels.[2]

BSG-TOS-Turbolaser turret

Laser turret[3]

Laser Battery: This is an array of lasers mounted on an armored turret. They are primarily used as anti-fighter weapons on warships, and as defensive anti-ship weapons on armed civilian ships.

Laser Cannon: This is a cluster of lasers, mounted on the bow of a ship. Like the mini-laser, this is a fixed weapon. They are primarily used as anti-ship weapons on small warships.

Particle Weapons


Forward array of UPFS Adriadne (CL 4), in action against the Sathar fleet in the Battle of Xagyg's Spur (SW II).

Electron Beam Battery: This is an electron beam battery that fires a beam of negatively charged particles (electrons). Electron Screens can repel this kind of attack, but Proton Screens attract it, causing more damage. This is the primary anti-ship weapon on large warships.

Proton Beam Battery: This weapon fires a beam of positively charged particles (protons). Proton Screens can repel this kind of attack, but Electron Screens attract it, causing more damage. Like the Electron Beam Battery, this is the primary anti-ship weapon on large warships.

B5 omega

Disruptor canon[4]

Disruptor Beam Cannon: This powerful weapon is only seen mounted on the bow of large warships (HS 12+). It fires an intense beam of alternating protons and electrons. Disruptor beams can do heavy damage to a ship's electrical system.


  1. Mini-Lasers and Laser Pods are not canon to the Knight Hawks rules, but they are a common house rule to add some anti-fighter capability to Fighters, as they are defenseless after exhausting all their Assault Rockets.
  2. As noted above.
  3. Turbolaser turret from original Battlestar Galactica
  4. Omega class destroyer firing forward cannon from Babylon 5