Star Frontiers Wiki

Exoskeleton front view

An exoskeleton is a robotic frame that is worn on the outside of a character's body. It follows the body's movements and increases the strength of its wearer. Each joint has its own miniature motor. An exoskeleton must be specially fitted to the character that will wear it, and cannot be worn by anyone else


Rear view

Getting into or out of an exoskeleton takes 1d10+10 minutes. A character in an exoskeleton can move twice as fast as normal, can jump 5 meters straight up (in 1g), gains a bonus of +20 to hit in melee and does +10 points of melee damage..

An exoskeleton provides no protection to the wearer. It can be worn along with a power screen and defensive suit. It must be plugged in to a power source to operate. It uses 1 SEU/minute while in operation.

Cost: 2,000 Cr

Mass: 6kg

Source: Alpha Dawn pp.41and 48. Reference image by Francis Goeltner.
