Star Frontiers Wiki
KTM Ascender
Manufacturer: Various companies
Cost to Own: 2,000 Cr
Rental Cost: 25 Cr plus 25 Cr/day
Propulsion Type: Ground
Top Speed: 175m/t (105kph)
Turn Speed: 90m/t (54kph)
Acceleration Speed: 100m/t
Deceleration Speed: 40m/t
Powerplant: x1 Type 1 Parabattery
Range: 1,000km
Fuel Economy: 0.5 SEU/km
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1 (2 with sidecar)
Cargo Limit: 20 kg, .5 cubic meter
Armaments: None
Armor: None
Other Equipment: None
Dralasite on Hovercycle

Dralasite on a hovercycle.

Hovercycles are two-man hover vehicles similar to motorcycles. They are easier to ride and control than a ground cycle, but are not as maneuverable at high speeds, and can skim over open water. Like a hovercar, a Hovercycle floats on a cushion of air 30 centimeters above the ground, but with three rotors arranged like a three-wheeled bike. A pair of small turbo fans propel it through the air. Just as a modern motorcycle, it can carry a passenger right behind the driver.[1]

Most hovercycles are sold with no extras, with uniform styles and colors, but owners tend to customize their rides with custom paint jobs and aftermarket custom kits.

Military Modification[]

Altering a hovercycle for combat is rare and unusual, and illegal on most worlds without proper permits or authorization. Armed hovercycles can be seen as scouts for patrol groups, and are used by the more aggressive cycle gangs.

A hovercycle can mount a small vehicular turret, but unlike other vehicles, turrets mounted on a cycle must be installed as a sidecar. An armed hovercycle can be fitted with up to 2 coats of non-concealable armor and only 1 slot for vehicle-mounted weapons. Each coat costs 1500 credits (this includes reflective coating). Hovercycles are too small to mount vehicular screens — personal screens are used instead.[2]

See also[]

Notes & References[]

  1. Due to the shape of a Vrusk abdomen, most models cannot carry any passengers when they are are riding, though some models do allow for it.
  2. Dragon Magazine #99 Tanks a Lot!

